Figuring out how our cells keep it together


We believe that all it takes to be a scientist is to start asking questions (though we ideally would like to try and answer those questions too!) We welcome intellectual contributions from all individuals in our group, recognizing that we will all collectively learn new things together and from one another.

It is our mission to:

  1. Contribute new discoveries and ideas to the existing body of human knowledge
  2. Train a diverse community of researchers for STEMM careers in an environment that fosters supportive scientific investigation

We believe that the best science happens when individuals feel supported and trust one another. To that end, we value providing a nuturing environment that equips scientists to take risks and tackle big ideas.

We also recognize that mentoring, like scientific experimentation, is an iterative and imperfect endeavor. We thus strive to learn from our mistakes and continually revisit our values and practices as a group.


Below are some resources we’ve found informative in developing these values and considering our role as a research group:

  1. The National Academies’ 2023 report entitled Advancing Antiracism, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in STEMM Organizations: Beyond Broadening Participation
  2. Responses to 10 common criticisms of anti-racism action in STEMM
  3. Mentoring the next generation of cell biologists